TMDL’s at Public Notice

Delisting Package for Sowashee Creek

MDEQ is giving public notice regarding the Delisting of Sowashee Creek 400911 in the Pascagoula River Basin. This water body has been listed on the State of Mississippi’s List of Impaired Water Bodies. Waters on this list are required to have Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) developed for each listed pollutant or be assessed as attaining its designated use.

Prior to proposing this Delisting to EPA for approval, MDEQ is asking for public comment on this draft document. Copies of the draft Delisting Package may be obtained and/or inspected by contacting MDEQ at the above address and telephone number or by email. Persons wishing to comment upon the draft TMDL are invited to submit comments in writing to Adrien Carroll-Perkins, P.E. at the address shown above or by email ( no later than 5:00 p.m. April 28, 2025. All comments received during the public notice period will be considered prior to proposing the Delisting to EPA for approval.

Public Notice

Decision Form