MDEQ ⟩ Water ⟩ Groundwater Assessment and Remediation ⟩ Library ⟩ General General Library Use the links on the right to browse relevant library resources by category. Be aware that some links may take you to a non-MDEQ controlled website. General Back Air Sparging Background Biopiles Bioremediation Biosparging Bioventing Brownfields Chlorinated Solvents Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLS) Dual Phase Extraction/Multi-Phase Extraction (DPE/MPE) Ecological Risk Assessment EPA Region IV SOPs Excavation Explosives Exposure Factors Landfarming Low Level Volatile Organic Low-Temperature Thermal Desorption MTBE Natural Attenuation Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL) (Free Product) Permeable Barriers Phytoremediation Pump & Treat Pump Test Quality Assurance Soil Vapor Extraction Statistics (UCL of Mean) SW-846 Thermal Disorption Vapor Intrusion