Restore Council
In July 2012, the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE Act) established the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE Council), which is comprised of governors from the five affected Gulf States, the Secretaries from the U.S. Departments of the Interior, Commerce, Agriculture, and Homeland Security as well as the Secretary of the Army and the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The RESTORE Council has responsibilities with respect to 60 percent of the funds made available from a Gulf Restoration Trust Fund, also established by the RESTORE Act. Thirty percent of the Trust Fund, plus interest, will be administered for ecosystem restoration and protection by the Council under the Council-Selected Restoration Component, also referred to as Bucket 2.
The other 30 percent of the Trust Fund will be allocated to the Gulf Coast States under a formula described in the RESTORE Act and spent according to individual State Expenditure Plans developed under the Spill Impact Component, also referred to as Bucket 3. The State Expenditure Plans must be consistent with the Goals and Objectives of this Plan and are subject to the Council’s approval. Remaining RESTORE Act funds not within the RESTORE Council’s responsibilities are: the Direct Component (35 percent of the funds), available to the Gulf Coast States in equal shares; the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science Program (2.5 percent of the funds plus interest); and Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program (2.5 percent of the funds plus interest). For more information on the allocation of the Trust Fund, click here.
For more information on the RESTORE Council, visit the official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council.