In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 29 x 56 inches;
Geology Publications: Cross Sections
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Southeast-Northwest Stratigraphic Cross Section of the Jurassic Sediments, Clarke County to Scott County, Mississippi
In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 2.5 x 5 feet;
Northeast-Southwest Stratigraphic Cross Section of the Jurassic Sediments, Newton County to Jasper County, Mississippi
In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 37 x 56 inches;
East-West Cross Section, Tishomingo County to Tunica County, Mississippi
In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 2 x 6 feet;
Cross Section from Mississippi-Tennessee State Line to Horn Island in the Gulf of Mexico
In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 2 x 8.5 feet;