In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 2 x 6 feet;
Geology Publications
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Cross Section from Mississippi-Tennessee State Line to Horn Island in the Gulf of Mexico
In color and illustrating structural features and stratigraphy; 2 x 8.5 feet;
Fact Sheet 1: Earthquakes in Mississippi
This is a list of earthquakes originating, or with epicenters, within the State of Mississippi. Given are the date, location, whether or not it was felt, maximum intensity (in the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale of I-XII), and magnitude (a relative measure of the energy released). Earthquake epicenters locations mapped on one side of the fact sheet and listed by year on the flip-side beginning with the year 1853. Revised January 2021.
The Value of Geologic Mapping in Mississippi
The pamphlet gives some examples of the return in mineral production on the investment in geologic mapping.
Bureau of Geology
A brief description of the work and responsibilities of the Bureau of Geology.
Windows Into Mississippi’s Geological Past
An educational report on the geologic history of Mississippi, with illustrations by fifth grader Katie Lightsey.
Bibliography of Mississippi Gulf Coast Geology and Related Topics
A compilation of the scientific literature about the geology of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, the barrier islands, and the Mississippi Sound.