The structural materials of Mississippi, limestones, sandstones, sand, chert, and gravel, are treated according to geological formations and by counties. Includes and Appendix by E. N. Lowe published in 1913.
Geology Publications
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Bulletin 5: A Study of Forest Conditions of Southwestern Mississippi: The United States Forest Service (cooperating)
Reprinted in Bulletin 11.
Bulletin 3: Lignite of Mississippi
A report on lignites in general and in Mississippi, on localities by counties, on analyses, and on uses.
Bulletin 2: Clays of Mississippi. Part 1, Brick Clays and Clay Industry of Northern Mississippi
Origin and classification of clay; chemical properties; physical properties; processes of clay manufacture; fuel; properties of brick; imperfections of brick; geology of Mississippi clays; clays of northern Mississippi by counties.
Bulletin 1: Cement and Portland Cement Materials of Mississippi
Information on the cement industry and its history, the classification of cements, the raw materials, and methods of manufacture; the Portland cement materials of Mississippi: Devonian, Carboniferous, Tuscaloosa, Selma, Porters Creek, Jackson, Vicksburg.
Geologic Map of Mississippi
In color; scale 1:500,000; 35.5 x 46 inches