Geology Publications
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Bulletin 42: Tippah County Mineral Resources
A stratigraphic and economic geology report of the county; results of the tests of the minerals – especially on the Porters Creek clay, which was tested for use as lightweight aggregate for concrete.
Bulletin 41: Lauderdale County Mineral Resources
Bulletin 40: The Upper Cretaceous Deposits
A report on the stratigraphy and paleontology of the outcropping Upper Cretaceous beds in Mississippi.
Bulletin 39: Yazoo County Mineral Resources
A report on the purely scientific stratigraphic study of the county that led to the discovery of the Tinsley Dome, eventually to the drilling of the first commercial oil well in the state, and a report on the tests of the clays.
Bulletin 38: Winston County Mineral Resources
A field report on the stratigraphy and mineral resources of the county and the fitness of these mineral, especially clays, for certain uses.
Bulletin 37: The Geologic History of Magnolia State Park
An educational bulletin on the last remaining Gulf Coast natural bayou; the importance it and its plants and animal life in the natural state; and the excellence of the bayou as a site for a marine laboratory.
Bulletin 36: The Jackson Gas Field and the State Deep Test Well
The history of the Jackson gas field is especially interesting because Eugene W. Hilgard recognized and described the dome in 1860 at the same time that Colonel Drake was drilling the oil well in the world on Oil Creek in Pennsylvania. The report also describes in detail the beds penetrated in the deep test well.
Bulletin 35: The Geologic History of Legion State Park
An educational park bulletin giving the ancient and recent geologic history of an area modified by landslides.
Bulletin 34: The Little Bear Residuum
A report emphasizing the importance of recognizing a residual blanket.