Irrigation of rice fields led directly to the ground-water study of the area.
Geology Publications
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Bulletin 70: Rate of Depletion of Water-Bearing Sands
A correction of the formulae for the computation of the rate of ground-water depletion.
Bulletin 71: Lafayette County Geology
Bulletin 69: Status Of The Fearn Springs Formation
A review of the use and misuse of the geologic name “Fearn Springs”; a recognition of the formation in well logs and drill cuttings; and possibly of its being an oil reservoir.
Bulletin 68: Surface Waters of Mississippi
A summary of stream measurements and surface-water investigations.
Bulletin 66: North Mississippi Floods of February 1948
A report on the February 1948 floods of the Tombigbee, Pearl, Big Black, and Yazoo River basins.
Bulletin 67: Carroll County Geology
A report on climate, physiography, stratigraphy, structure, geologic history, and economic geology.
Bulletin 65: Geology and Artesian Water of the Alluvial Plain in Northwestern Mississippi
An exhaustive report on the geomorphology, stratigraphy, and hydrology of the area.
Bulletin 64: Itawamba County Mineral Resources
A report on the stratigraphic, paleontological, structural, and economic geology, especially of the bentonitic and ceramic clays of the county.
Bulletin 63: Lee County Mineral Resources