A study of the surface stratigraphy, structure, historical geology, and mineral resources. Minerals discussed include bentonite, clay, chalk, gravel, oil and gas. A part, prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey, deals with geologic formations and their water-bearing characteristics, and quality of water.
Geology Publications
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Bulletin 86: Mississippi Mineral Resources
Revised, Bulletin 112.
Bulletin 85: Cretaceous Shelf Sediments of Mississippi
A study that deals with the relation of Cretaceous structure to Paleozoic structure, facies changes in the Cretaceous section, useful mapping horizons in the Cretaceous, reconstruction of the pre-Cretaceous or early Cretaceous geomorphology, and determination of the favorability for oil and natural gas in the Cretaceous shelf sediments The Bulletin also contains a “Discussion on the Foraminifera”, by William S. Parks, and a “Discussion on the Ostracoda”, by Robert H. Shaver.
Bulletin 84: Kemper County Geology
A report primarily on the surface stratigraphy, but with chapters on subsurface stratigraphy, structure, geologic history and depositional conditions, and mineral resources.
Bulletin 83: Fresh Water Strata of Mississippi as Revealed by Electrical Log Studies
Bulletin 82: Sediments of Mississippi Sound and Inshore Waters
A report that embraces the geological and chemical study of the uppermost sediments of the Sound floor.
Bulletin 81: Panola County Geology
A report on the surface stratigraphy, structure, historical geology, and economic geology of the county. Subjects under economic geology include soils, water, ceramic clay, sand and gravel, lignite, and oil and gas.
Bulletin 80: Benton County Geology
A report on the surface stratigraphy and economic geology of the county. Minerals discussed are oil and gas, water, iron ore, bauxite, clays (kaolin), and sand.
Bulletin 79: Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Mississippi
A stratigraphic study of the Lower Cretaceous beds that exist only in the subsurface of Mississippi. The bulletin in includes 30 plates of structure maps, isopach maps, and structure sections.
Bulletin 78: Marshall County Geology
This report presents conclusive evidence in solving the “Sand Problem” in Marshall County after decades of study by various geologists.