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Mississippi Geology – Volume 1, Number 2

Archaeocetes: Whale-Like Mammals from the Eocene of Mississippi - Michael K. Frazier (Page 1)
Mississippi Surface Mining and Reclamation - A Working Example - Chuck Estes (Page 4)
The Lower Tuscaloosa of Southern Mississippi - Dora M. Devery (Page 6)
Selected References on the Smackover Formation - Anne Bellomy (Page 8)
Abstract: Bulletin 121: Clarke County Geology and Mineral Resources - William A. Gilliland (Page 9)
Abstract: Bulletin 121: Water Resources of Clarke County, Mississippi - Danny W. Harrelson (Page 9)
Abstract: Bulletin 122: The Invertebrate Macropaleontology of the Clarke County, Mississippi, Area - David T. Dockery III (Page 10)
1850- 1980- Geology Celebrates 130 Years of Service to Mississippi (Page 11)

Mississippi Geology – Volume 1, Number 3

Selected References on the Southern Appalachians; Alabama and Tennesse - Anne Bellomy (Page 1)
Minerals in Mississippi - Bryant Mather (Page 4)
Report on the Research Conference on the Geology of the Woodbine and Tuscaloosa Formations - Ernest E. Russell (Page 12)
New Occurrences of Molluscan Species in the Moodys Branch Formation at Jackson, Mississippi - John E. Robinson & David T. Dockery III (Page 13)