Archaeocetes: Whale-Like Mammals from the Eocene of Mississippi - Michael K. Frazier (Page 1)
Mississippi Surface Mining and Reclamation - A Working Example - Chuck Estes (Page 4)
The Lower Tuscaloosa of Southern Mississippi - Dora M. Devery (Page 6)
Selected References on the Smackover Formation - Anne Bellomy (Page 8)
Abstract: Bulletin 121: Clarke County Geology and Mineral Resources - William A. Gilliland (Page 9)
Abstract: Bulletin 121: Water Resources of Clarke County, Mississippi - Danny W. Harrelson (Page 9)
Abstract: Bulletin 122: The Invertebrate Macropaleontology of the Clarke County, Mississippi, Area - David T. Dockery III (Page 10)
1850- 1980- Geology Celebrates 130 Years of Service to Mississippi (Page 11)
Geology Publications
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Mississippi Geology – Volume 1, Number 3
Selected References on the Southern Appalachians; Alabama and Tennesse - Anne Bellomy (Page 1)
Minerals in Mississippi - Bryant Mather (Page 4)
Report on the Research Conference on the Geology of the Woodbine and Tuscaloosa Formations - Ernest E. Russell (Page 12)
New Occurrences of Molluscan Species in the Moodys Branch Formation at Jackson, Mississippi - John E. Robinson & David T. Dockery III (Page 13)
Just Geology 2010-2011
FROM THE PAGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Just Geology 2008-2009
FROM THE PAGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Just Geology 2012-2013
FROM THE PAGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Just Geology 2016-2017
FROM THE PAGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS - Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Just Geology 2014-2015
FROM THE PAGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Electrical Logs of Water Wells and Test Holes on File at The Bureau of Geology – Supplement
This report contains over 1100 electrical logs that were recorded between January 1, 1979, and December 31, 1984. The information contained in this report is the result of additional logs that have been recorded since the previous edition (1979) was published by the Bureau of Geology.
Agricultural Lime in Central Mississippi
A report pertaining to the presence of agricultural lime in central Mississippi.