Mississippi Diesel Emissions Reduction Program
Beginning in 2009, the Air Division of the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) began the Mississippi Diesel Emissions Reduction Program, which is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) grant program. The goal of the Mississippi Diesel Emissions Reduction Program is to reduce emissions from diesel vehicles, engines, and equipment. Reducing diesel emissions is currently one of the most important air quality challenges in Mississippi. Although more stringent emission standards are taking effect for new heavy-duty on-road and non-road engines, older diesel engines currently in use will continue to emit large amounts of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter for years to come. These pollutants affect our ability to comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, especially ozone and fine particulate matter, but most importantly, they can contribute to public health problems, including respiratory and cardiac illness.
Since 2014, MDEQ has used this grant funding to operate a rebate program, the Mississippi Diesel School Bus Replacement Program, to assist school districts in the replacement of older diesel buses with newer, lower-emitting buses or zero-emissions buses. Interested school districts may contact David Matranga [(601) 961-5536; dmatranga@mdeq.ms.gov] or Jaricus Whitlock [(601)-961-5303 ; jwhitlock@mdeq.ms.gov ] for additional information on the Mississippi Diesel School Bus Replacement Program.
2023-25 Diesel School Bus Replacement Application
MDEQ is pleased to announce the opening of the application period for the 2024-25 Mississippi Diesel School Bus Replacement Program. As with past awards, school districts may qualify for up to a 25% rebate on the purchase of a new bus. Please carefully review the Application Package, which has been revised from previous years, and submit a complete application no later than the extended deadline of Friday, March 14, 2025.. The Application Package contains requirements for eligibility and instructions for completing and submitting the application.
2023-24 Diesel School Bus Rebates
MDEQ Air Division staff with Hancock County School District officials verifying the decommissioning of an old bus and posed with a new one purchased with help from an MDEQ Diesel School Bus Replacement Program Grant.