Demolition and Renovation Operations

MDEQ implements regulations that protect against air emissions of asbestos from building demolition and renovation operations. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used extensively in building materials and products primarily for its excellent fireproofing or insulating properties. Asbestos is also often found in other building materials including floor tile, ceiling texture, and transite wallboard.

When disturbed during demolition and renovation activity, asbestos can become airborne and pose a significant potential human health risk. Therefore, the regulations affecting demolition and renovations are to prevent and minimize air emissions of asbestos that may be inhaled.
Also, persons who perform asbestos abatement activity, must have proper training and certification by the MDEQ Asbestos Accreditation and Certification Program.


Regulations applicable to asbestos demolition and renovation operations are contained in 40 CFR sections 61.140 through 61.160 and set forth in Miss. Admin. Code, Part 2, Chapter 1, Rule 1.8.


MDEQ regulates building demolition and renovation operations to protect against activities that may cause asbestos air emissions.

For the purposes of the regulations the following definitions apply:

  • Demolition – means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together with any related handling operations or the intentional burning of any facility.
  • Renovation – means altering a facility or one or more facility components in any way, including the stripping or removal of regulated asbestos containing material from a facility component.

Demolition and renovation activities associated with individual residences, including residential buildings with four or fewer dwelling units, generally are exempt from the requirements of MDEQ asbestos regulations. A residential structure does not qualify for the exemption when:

  • the demolition or renovation activity is part of a public, private, or commercial development project
  • and the project involves more than one small residential building on a site.

Furthermore, projects involving a single residential building, along with other non-residential buildings, do not qualify for the exemption. Also, the regulations prohibit the demolition of any residential structure by burning when asbestos materials are present in the structure.

Owners and operators of regulated demolition or renovation operations must:

  • thoroughly inspect the affected facility to determine the presence and required treatment of asbestos containing materials before the demolition or renovation activity
  • utilize MDEQ certified individuals for building asbestos inspections and asbestos abatement activities
  • provide demolition notifications to the MDEQ for all demolitions ten working days before demolition activity
  • provide renovation notifications to the MDEQ ten working days before any renovation activity, including asbestos abatement, affecting at least 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or 35 cubic feet of regulated asbestos containing material
  • follow standards and procedures for asbestos emission control in the course of activities and assure proper waste disposal
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Greg Mallery (Asbestos & Lead Branch Manager)
(601) 961-5592