Accreditation and Certification

Persons or individuals who perform asbestos abatement activities as management planners, project designers, inspectors, contractors, supervisors, workers, and air monitors must be properly trained and be certified by MDEQ. Third party training courses offered within the state for purposes of asbestos abatement certification must also be approved by MDEQ.

  • A contractor shall not employ any worker, or any other individual of different certification category, on an asbestos project who does not possess a current and appropriate certificate issued by the Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • Training course approval is required for training programs that train management planners, project designers, inspectors, contractors, supervisors and workers.
Certification Applications

For Management Planners, Project Designers, Inspectors, Supervisors, Air Monitors and Workers, use the form “Applications for Individual” below.

For contractors, use the form “Applications for Contractors” below.

Certification Fees

The fees for initial and renewal certificates are as follows:

  • Management Planner $200.00
  • Contractor $350.00
  • Project Designer $200.00
  • Supervisor $250.00
  • Inspector $200.00
  • Worker $35.00
  • Air Monitor $250.00

There are no fees required for training course approvals.
List of Licensed Individuals for Asbestos Abatement


Mississippi Regulations for the Accreditation and Certification of Asbestos Abatement Personnel 11 Miss. Admin. Code, Part 2, Chapter 10


For more information on the Asbestos Accreditation and Certification Program, please contact:

Dennis Kelly (Program Coordinator)
(601) 961-5630
Greg Mallery (Asbestos & Lead Branch Manager)
(601) 961-5592
Shontrell Winters (Program Specialist)
(601) 961-5179